Tag Archives: custody

Pet Pre-Nups

A recent article in The London Times in discussed what it called “pet-nup”—in other words, a prenuptial agreement that includes plans for what will happen to a couple’s pets if the marriage ends. I’ve written about this issue before on this blog.  It’s an issue I’ve seen in many, many divorces-- in high net worth…
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Time to Give Thanks

With Thanksgiving weekend over, many newly-divorced couples—or, alternately, couples that are considering a divorce—are reflecting over, and getting concerned about, the holiday season, and the gatherings planned that feel like they could be tense and emotional. Thanksgiving and the month or so that follows it can be stressful for anyone; if you’re unhappy in your…
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The Stress of Divorce

The Stress of Divorce There are many memorable catalysts in life that are joyous: graduations, for example, and the birth of children. Some, in sharp contrast, are, for most people, painful and stressful. Divorce is often near the top of that latter list. For the last few weeks, a tragedy has been in the news…
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Some thoughts about gay marriage

As LGBTQ Month came to an end, it's worth focusing on same sex marriage...and, inevitably, same sex divorces, custody disputes, separations, and pre- and post-nuptial agreements. With the legalization of gay and lesbian marriages, all these have come into play, and are on the rise. Many gay and lesbian couples enter into marriage with joy…
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