Lawyers and judges, like everyone, have been adjusting to living within and after the parameters of lockdown during and after the Corona pandemic. In many states, that's meant that court appearances were being held online though websites like Skype, and this often, is now being continued. Not everyone, however, understands the sense of decorum that's necessary in that setting. An article referred to a Florida judge who wrote that one male lawyer showed up for a court appearance topless. Another, according to the piece, logged on while sitting in bed.
People aren't scolded for showing up in court for wearing a blazer and trousers instead of a formal three-piece suit. But the tone should always be one of respect, seriosity, and focus. That's the opposite feeling, of course, of sleepwear, t-shirts and bare chests, as well as chatting in bed instead of at a desk, table, or simply a chair. Whether court is in session online or in a physical courtroom, a feeling of reverence and earnestness should always be in lawyers' minds.
There was, quite a few years ago, a time when judges could, in some areas, dictate some of what was worn in court, like dresses or skirts for women instead of trousers. That is not what this refers to, but simply lawyers' lacking common sense.
This yet again illustrates the importance of working with an experienced lawyer who instinctively knows what's appropriate. For couples planning a divorce during this period, especially with important issues like custody and division of property to handle, it underlines why a hiring the right lawyer is so important. That's true as much now as ever, even in this period of online consultations and Skype.