An article in the New York Times particularly resonated with me, since it focused on something I’ve been dealing with in a variety of New York cases for decades. The article looked into a California state law. It gave judges the authority to settle pet custody issues in a divorce, just as they have jurisdiction…
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The Age of Experience
Over the past couple years, the phrase "The Experience Age"--or, alternately, "The Age of Experience"--has become a way to explain how we relate to goods and services in our hyper-connected, always-online world. In other words, to deeply connect there needs to be something that formally created a memory, a feeling, or an emotional response beyond…
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Back to school…
For all of us, September marked the unofficial end of summer, a time hopefully, to get back to work and life’s regular routine after a season of vacations and sunshine. For families with young children, the focus was also inevitably on getting their kids settled into their new academic year and the accompanying classrooms and…
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Some thoughts about gay marriage
As LGBTQ Month came to an end, it's worth focusing on same sex marriage...and, inevitably, same sex divorces, custody disputes, separations, and pre- and post-nuptial agreements. With the legalization of gay and lesbian marriages, all these have come into play, and are on the rise. Many gay and lesbian couples enter into marriage with joy…
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