Nullam non lectus nec quam laoreet suscipit vel eget ligula. Aliquam condimentum venenatis luctus. Ut quis nibh nec tortor tempor faucibus sit amet ac metus. Nullam lacus nisi, lobortis et adipiscing eget, rutrum a eros. Duis a pharetra tortor. Nunc sollicitudin, turpis eget ultrices porttitor, mi est fermentum arcu, quis tristique quam leo a purus. Etiam bibendum lectus ac felis sollicitudin lobortis commodo ac ipsum. Fusce vitae augue dolor, ac accumsan diam.
Last 30 Posts
- Choosing a lawyer
- Court-appropriate attire, from home
- Life, and Divorce, after Corona
- Custody in the Age of Corona
- Celebrate Valentine’s Day…with a Divorce
- Poetic advice
- Some thoughts on “Marriage Story”
- Pet Pre-Nups
- Time to Give Thanks
- The Stress of Divorce
- The High Profile Divorce of the Moment
- Some Valentine’s Day Thoughts
- A new divorce law that’s gone to the dogs
- ‘Tis the Season…For Divorces?
- Some thoughts on immigration
- Pet Custody
- The Age of Experience
- Back to school…
- Some thoughts about gay marriage
- Prenuptial Agreements: Everything you wanted to know in the middle of the night but have nobody to ask. (Part I)
- Connect To Those In Need This Holiday Season!
- January is Divorce Month
- Random Observations
- Give Me Halloween
- Mother’s Day
- A historical look-back that shamefully could make a woman disposable
- The Empire State Building & Mother Teresa