A recent article on the Bloomberg site examined a trend that's started in China: as the country is coming out of quarantine, its divorce rate has been rising sharply. As one might expect, time in close quarters can be a reminder of how incompatible you feel with your spouse and how much you are eager to be apart. And, maybe, it's a reminder that life is just too short not to be entirely happy.
I would predict that, eventually, we see a similar increase in divorces here in America. Social distancing isn't easy for anyone; neither is sharing a home in the midst of so much unease, especially without the usual distracting outings of a physical office and meetings and social life. Often, people's true colors come through, as does the lack of compatibility of many couples. For many couples, breaking up will be the logical conclusion of this period.
If your relationship seems to be going in that direction, it really is the ideal time to begin making plans to get divorce proceedings in motion. Now is when you should reach out to an experienced divorce lawyer by phone or email. Beginning to map out plans is empowering: time that could feel claustrophobic can be spent instead thinking of a better future. As always, working things through with a lawyer with decades of experience handling issues like custody, visitation, support, and property settlements, is also a key element of that proactive plan.